Solar Light Troubleshooting

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Summary :

Solar lights are essential for sustainable development. Occasional issues like battery, solar panel, light brightness, and flickering can be easily resolved through simple solutions such as cleaning, positioning, and restarting.

Nowadays, it is an era of sustainable development, Solar lights are gaining more and more attention as an environmentally friendly and efficient lighting solution that offers many environmental and economic benefits, making it ideal for many areas that do not have access to traditional power networks. Solar lights are important in remote areas or post-disaster reconstruction and are becoming increasingly popular for urban public lighting, courtyard, and street lighting.

Solar lights offer clear environmental benefits like reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and greenhouse gas emissions. They are energy-efficient, don’t require an external power source, and reduce the need for traditional power infrastructure.

Solar lights are powered by crystalline silicon solar panels, with lithium iron phosphate batteries for energy storage, It utilizes LED as the light source and is controlled by an intelligent charging and discharging controller to achieve night lighting effects, as a green substitute for conventional street lights.

However, Solar lights can sometimes stop functioning, but most issues have a simple fix and only require small adjustments to get them up and running again.

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  1. Check the batteries by prioritizing high-quality batteries, checking secure connections, and replacing aging or damaged batteries.
  2. Regularly clean, position the solar panels facing south and at the best angle, and avoid shading.
  3. Ensure the LED source is working properly and is not loose.
  4. Check the circuit connections to ensure it is not open or short-circuited.
  5. Check the sensors and ensure they are not overly sensitive to unintended triggers, or nearby bright sources, and shade the solar panel and sensor to recognize of low lighting levels.
  6. Restart your solar light by turning it off and on again.

Below are some major reasons why solar lights stop working suddenly and solutions.

Check the batteries.

A: The batteries and/or the recharging system are poor quality and can not work properly. Our Gcots factory promises to use high-quality and long-lasting batteries which also will not drop in performance as time goes on.

B: Faulty battery connection: Check the battery connector to make sure the connection is secure and not loose or corroded.

C: Aging battery: Check whether they are worn out or too old. The aging of the batteries does not allow them to keep them charged. Batteries that are damaged or end-of-life need to be replaced.

Regularly clean.

A: Clean the solar panels to ensure they are clean without accumulated dust, dirt, or snow to ensure effective solar energy absorption.

B: Position the solar panels facing south and at the best angle, consider tilting the panels between 30-50 degrees for year-round efficiency. Alternatively, for a dynamic setup, add 15 degrees to your latitude for winter and subtract 15 degrees for summer adjustments.

C: Ensure maximum daily sunlight absorption for your solar panel by avoiding unexpected shading from objects and optimizing placement according to changing shadows throughout the day and seasons.

Ensure the LED source is working properly and is not loose.

Check the circuit connections to ensure it is not open or short-circuited.

Check the sensors

A: If the solar lights are equipped with sensors, check if the sensors are working properly. Solar lights turn off during the day to save electricity for nighttime use. However, sometimes overly sensitive detection or nearby bright sources can cause unintended light shutdowns. shade your solar panel and sensor to help the light recognize low lighting levels.

Restart your solar light by turning it off and on again.

A: This classic solution can often resolve any issues quickly.


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