What Lumens of Lights Are Needed for Different Applications?

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Selecting the appropriate lighting for various environments can significantly enhance safety, visibility, and aesthetic appeal. The EN13201-2:2015 standard provides comprehensive guidelines for street lighting, specifying the necessary lumens and illuminance levels for different scenarios. This blog will break down the requirements for various applications, helping you understand what lumen levels are suitable for different types of areas.

What is EN13201-2:2015?

EN13201-2:2015 is a European standard that sets the requirements for the lighting of outdoor public spaces. It covers various aspects of street lighting, including the luminance and illuminance levels needed for different types of roads, pedestrian areas, and security zones. The standard ensures that lighting systems are designed to provide sufficient visibility for users, improve safety, and minimize energy consumption.

Now, let’s break down the requirements for various applications, helping you understand what lumen levels are suitable for different types of areas.

Motorized Traffic Roads (M Classes)

Motorized traffic roads require high levels of illumination to ensure the safety and comfort of drivers. These roads are categorized into six classes (M1 to M6), with M1 representing the highest illumination needs for the busiest and fastest roads, and M6 for less critical roads.

M1 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 2.00 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 30,000 – 40,000

Mounting Height: 12-16 meters

Pole Distance: 30-50 meters

Road Width: 12-18 meters

Applications: Major highways, expressways, and main roads with high traffic volume and speed. Essential for ensuring visibility and safety on high-speed roads where quick reactions are crucial.

M2 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 1.50 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 20,000 – 30,000

Mounting Height: 10-14 meters

Pole Distance: 30-45 meters

Road Width: 10-15 meters

Applications: Urban and suburban arterial roads with moderate to high traffic volumes. Suitable for roads that connect major highways to city streets and require consistent lighting for driver safety.

M3 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 1.00 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 15,000 – 20,000

Mounting Height:  10-12 meters

Pole Distance: 25-40 meters

Road Width: 8-12 meters

Applications: Collector roads that gather traffic from local streets and direct it to arterial roads. These are typically found in residential and commercial areas.

M4 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 0.75 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 10,000 – 15,000

Mounting Height: 8-10 meters

Pole Distance: 25-35 meters

Road Width: 6-10 meters

Applications: Local streets with moderate traffic in residential and commercial zones. Suitable for roads that require reliable lighting but not as intense as highways.

M5 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 0.50 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 7,500 – 10,000

Mounting Height: 6-8 meters

Pole Distance: 20-30 meters

Road Width: 5-8 meters

Applications: Minor streets and residential roads with low traffic volumes. Ideal for areas where moderate lighting suffices to ensure safety and comfort.

M6 Class:

Luminance: ≥ 0.30 cd/m²

Approximate Lumens: 5,000 – 7,500

Mounting Height: 6-8 meters

Pole Distance: 20-30 meters

Road Width: 5-7 meters

Applications: Cul-de-sacs, alleys, and very low-traffic residential roads. Appropriate for areas where minimal lighting is needed for basic visibility.

Conflict Areas (C Classes)

Conflict areas such as intersections, roundabouts, and queuing zones require high visibility to prevent accidents and ensure smooth traffic flow. These are classified from C0 to C5 based on the complexity and volume of traffic.

C0 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 50.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 7,000 – 10,000

Mounting Height: 6-10 meters

Pole Distance: 25-35 meters

Road Width: 6-12 meters

Applications: Large, complex intersections and roundabouts with heavy traffic. High illumination helps in navigating these high-risk areas safely.

C1 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 30.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 5,000 – 7,000

Mounting Height: 6-10 meters

Pole Distance: 25-35 meters

Road Width: 6-10 meters

Applications: Medium-sized intersections and roundabouts. Adequate lighting for areas with moderate traffic complexity and volume.

C2 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 20.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 4,000 – 5,000

Mounting Height: 6-8 meters

Pole Distance: 20-30 meters

Road Width: 6-8 meters

Applications: Small intersections and minor roundabouts. Suitable for areas with lower traffic volumes but where visibility is still critical.

C3 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 15.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 3,000 – 4,000

Mounting Height: 6-8 meters

Pole Distance: 20-30 meters

Road Width: 6-8 meters

Applications: Pedestrian crossings and areas near schools or hospitals where traffic flow can be unpredictable and safety is a priority.

C4 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 10.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 2,000 – 3,000

Mounting Height: 6-8 meters

Pole Distance: 20-30 meters

Road Width: 5-8 meters

Applications: Simple intersections and low-traffic areas where basic illumination is required for visibility.

Pedestrian and Pedal Cyclist Areas (P Classes)

Areas designated for pedestrians and cyclists need adequate lighting to ensure safety during nighttime use. These are classified from P1 to P7, with P1 requiring the highest level of illumination.

P1 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 15.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 2,500 – 3,500

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-25 meters

Road Width: 4-6 meters

Applications: High-use pedestrian areas, city centers, and commercial zones with heavy foot traffic. High illumination ensures safety and security.

P2 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 10.0 lux

Approximate Lumens: 2,000 – 2,500

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-25 meters

Road Width: 4-6 meters

Applications: Urban sidewalks, bike paths, and residential walkways. Sufficient lighting for areas with moderate pedestrian and cyclist activity.

P3 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 7.50 lux

Approximate Lumens: 1,500 – 2,000

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-25 meters

Road Width: 3-5 meters

Applications: Suburban walkways and park paths. Adequate for areas with lower foot and bike traffic but still requiring visibility for safety.

P4 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 5.00 lux

Approximate Lumens: 1,000 – 1,500

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-25 meters

Road Width: 3-5 meters

Applications: Neighborhood sidewalks and paths in less densely populated areas. Basic illumination for safe navigation.

P5 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 3.00 lux

Approximate Lumens: 500 – 1,000

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-20 meters

Road Width: 3-4 meters

Applications: Rural paths and low-use pedestrian routes. Minimal lighting is needed to ensure basic visibility.

P6 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 2.00 lux

Approximate Lumens: 300 – 500

Mounting Height: 4-6 meters

Pole Distance: 15-20 meters

Road Width: 3-4 meters

Applications: Remote or seldom-used paths. Low-level lighting for areas where foot traffic is rare.

Hemispherical Illuminance Areas (HS Classes)

These areas focus on providing uniform lighting based on hemispherical illuminance, ensuring that pedestrians and cyclists have adequate visibility.

HS1 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 15.0 lux

Lumens: 2,500 – 3,500

Applications: Busy pedestrian zones, shopping districts, and high-use bike paths. Ensures safety and visibility in high-traffic areas.

HS2 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 10.0 lux

Lumens: 2,000 – 2,500

Applications: Urban walkways and bike lanes. Suitable for areas with regular pedestrian and cyclist activity.

HS3 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 7.50 lux

Lumens: 1,500 – 2,000

Applications: Suburban and residential pathways. Adequate for areas with moderate foot and bike traffic.

HS4 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 5.00 lux

Lumens: 1,000 – 1,500

Applications: Parks and recreational areas with occasional use. Basic lighting to ensure safety.

HS5 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 3.00 lux

Lumens: 500 – 1,000

Applications: Low-use paths and rural walkways. Minimal illumination is needed for basic visibility.

HS6 Class:

Horizontal Illuminance: 2.00 lux

Lumens: 300 – 500

Applications: Remote or seldom-used paths. Low-level lighting for areas with very little foot traffic.

Security Areas (SC Classes)

Security areas require specific lighting to ensure the identification of persons and objects, often in high-crime areas.

SC1 Class:

Semi-cylindrical Illuminance: 10.0 lux

Lumens: 2,000 – 3,000

Applications: High-security zones, building entrances, and areas prone to crime. Ensures high visibility for safety and security.

SC2 Class:

Semi-cylindrical Illuminance: 5.00 lux

Lumens: 1,000 – 2,000

Applications: Parking lots, alleyways, and residential entrances. Adequate lighting for areas where security is a concern.

SC3 Class:

Semi-cylindrical Illuminance: 2.50 lux

Lumens: 500 – 1,000

Applications: Low-security areas and building perimeters. Basic illumination to deter criminal activity.

SC4 Class:

Semi-cylindrical Illuminance: 1.00 lux

Lumens: 200 – 500

Applications: Remote or less secure areas. Minimal lighting for basic security purposes.


Choosing the correct lighting class and corresponding lumens ensures that each area is appropriately illuminated, enhancing safety, visibility, and overall user experience. Whether it is a busy highway, a quiet residential street, or a pedestrian pathway, adhering to these standards will help in creating an optimal lighting environment.


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